If you are looking to build an extension to create an extra bedroom or two then you may decide to build an ensuite for one of the bedrooms. Traditionally it was only housing that had lots of bedrooms that had ensuites but they are becoming increasingly popular in smaller houses.
Ensuite bathrooms can actually add value to a home and can prove very practical especially as your family grows or if you like to be able to have guests to stay over often. If you have children, you will probably already know what a battle it can be sometimes to get in to the bathroom. Many mornings can be spent pacing up and down a bathroom waiting for your partner or children to finish. This can become increasingly difficult as your children get older as they are likely to spend even more time in there. You may have to go to work around the same sort of time as your children have to get ready for school.
An ensuite bathroom will give you extra space to allow two or more people to use the bathroom at the same time. You can also have an adults bathroom and a family or even guest bathroom as well.